Dr. Sudeep Kumar dubay
Asstt.Prof. Durgabai deshmukh collage (Delhi University)
Every human
being has been gifted with five senses, namely, vision, auditory, olfactory,
taste and touch. We get worldly information through these senses. A study
results in the fact that it is the vision that contributes the most in
accessing information. Since it can receive information from distance it
accounts for almost 84% of the total information. The remaining altogether
contributes only the remaining 16%.We can easily understand the problems faced
by a person with visual impairment.
One more
interesting fact about human being is about their learning styles. It is
determined basically through which sense organ one learns more. People
depending more on their vision to learn are visual learner. Being a
visual learner it does not mean that the person will not learn through other
senses. His main focus is on seeing things. Study materials in the form of
charts, posters, visual displays are more important for a visual learner.
Likewise we may have Auditory and Kinaesthetic learner.
A visually
impaired child or a person with visual impairment is generally dependent on
their auditory and kinaesthetic senses. Hence they are Auditory and
kinaesthetic learners. Any teacher who is willing to teach a visually impaired
child may keep the above fact in mind. First we have to identify a person with
visual impairment and then only we can think of provide some kind of service to
them. Let us discuss the signs shown by a person based on which we can infer that
he may be having some vision problem.
If any of these eye conditions one
Sudden loss of vision in one eye;
Sudden hazy or blurred vision;
Flashes of light or black spots in your vision
Rainbows around light; and
Loss of peripheral (side) vision
He may require emergency medical attention
Further for identifying a child in a class whether he is having
vision problem one can go through the following checklist
‘Crossed’ eye, eyes ‘turning in or out’
Watery eyes
Red eyes or eye lids
Clouding of the pupil
Excessive blinking
Clumsiness and trouble walking in a new environment
Holding one’s head in awkward position
Holding material very close to the eye.
Excessive rubbing of the eye.
Complains of headaches /nausea / dizziness
Pain in the eye
Visual impairment is an umbrella term and in this we may have
either a totally blind person or a person with low vision. For the purpose of
diagnosis and also for defining we use two connotations, namely Visual acuity and Field of vision.
Totally blind students learn via braille or other
non-visual media.
Low vision generally refers to a severe visual
impairment, not necessarily limited to distance vision. Low vision applies to
all individuals with sight who are unable to read the newspaper at a normal
viewing distance, even with the aid of eyeglasses or contact lenses. They use a
combination of vision and other senses to learn, although they may require
adaptations in lighting or the size of print, and, sometimes, braille;
Nature of visual impairment
A limited field of vision - being unable to see to the sides or up
and down;
Some loss of central vision - limiting the ability to see fine
Acute shortsightedness - seeing the world as a continuous blur;
Uncontrollable oscillations of the eyeball - leading to an
inability to see objects clearly; and
Night blindness
Implications of limited vision
With limited distance vision
No learning by imitation
Not able to understanding non-verbal communication
Not able to move independently
Not able to recognize people, objects or action
With poor near vision-
Problem in reading, writing
Not able to weave, sew, carve, draw, paint
Educational implications
Children with visual impairments should be assessed early to
benefit from early intervention programs, when applicable.
Technology in the form of computers and low-vision optical and
video aids enable many partially sighted, low vision and blind children to
participate in regular class activities.
The law also requires that schools provide accessible
instructional materials to all students who need them—this can include large
print materials, books on tape/CD, and Braille books.
Learning characteristics of visually
impaired children
Since No Imitation, No Incidental learning
Therefore we require
Mediated learning
Experiential learning- experience as a source of learning
Concrete learning
Visual ideas to non visual experience
Principle of teaching visually impaired
Concrete teaching
Learning by doing
From part to whole
Adaptation of instructional material
Duplication as far as possible
Modification of the lesson without changing concept
Substitution of a model to give almost similar experience
Omission under unavoidable circumstances.
Adaptive tech for blind
Braille Embosser A
Braille printer.
Braille Translation Software Text
to Braille
Large Print Printers
OCR The software along with a PC and
scanner gives visually impaired people access to almost all printed material.
Refreshable Braille Display A
device used to produce Braille output the way computer monitors produce print
output. They are especially useful for deaf blind people that cannot use speech
Screen Magnification Software
Screen Reading Software or
Text to Speech
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