Dr. Usha Grover
Sr. Lecturer (special education)
Former Officer In-charge
NIMH Regional Centre New Delhi
PWID – persons
with intellectual disability
Persons with Disability
UNCRPD – United Nations Convention on the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities
it was believed that a person with intellectual
disability (PWID) were not very
productive as their adaptive abilities did not commensurate with the person of
average intelligence. It was also believed that they were not to be brought to
the notice of the community, they should be kept within the four walls and all
they needed were food, clothing, shelter, and activities to take care of their
leisure. However, with the increased awareness, development in the service
model and advancement in the technology coupled with the strength of
rehabilitation legislation, gradually the PWID are now engaged in open
employment with either some support or no support.
However, the progress in this regard
is left much to be desired. There is a great need to improve the rehabilitation
services, so that, most of the PWID receive vocational training and employment.
Definition of vocational rehabilitation
rehabilitation means that part of continuous and coordinated process of
rehabilitation, which involves the provision of those vocational services, e.g.
vocational guidance, vocational training and selective placement, designed to
enable a person with disability (PWD) to secure and retain
suitable employment.
The current status of vocational rehabilitation:-
According to NSSO
58th Round Survey on usual activities of the PWD three categories
are given below:
Labour force:
or being engaged in economic activities (work) (employed);
engaged in economic activities (work) but available for work (unemployed).
Out of labour force:
engaged in work and also not available for work.
The data obtained by the survey is as follows:
01: Per 1000
distribution of PWID by broad usual activity status for each sex
Out of Labour Force
02: Per 1000 distribution of PWD by broad usual activity status
Out of Labour Force
Low Vision
Current scene of vocational rehabilitation
data (table 01) reveals that only 08% of males with intellectual disability are
employed where as 92% are out of labour force. Also, only 1.6% of females with
intellectual disability are employed where as 98.4% are out of labour force. The
data also depicts that number of females with intellectual disability is much
less than the number of males with intellectual disability. However, there is
no data about how many of these out of labour PWID have undergone appropriate
schooling and vocational training.
disability comparison depicts that out of all the categories the number of PWID
employed is minimum whereas out of labour force is maximum. As per PWD Act,
1995 there is a provision of 03% reservation in Govt. Jobs identified for PWD (01%
HI, 01% VI and 01% OH). But, PWID are not included in this reservation
provision due to which finding suitable jobs is more challenging for them.
is no agenda about transition in most of the schools.
survey about where PWID go after they leave school.
latest survey regarding number of adult training centre or vocational training
centres in India.
should be identified for PWID as per the changing needs and demands of society.
turn to their local community for vocational training & job placement
are comfortable if their children are permitted to continue special school by
engaging them in time pass activities.
students with intellectual disability join sheltered workshop.
get community employment.
of the students with intellectual disability are unemployed and are at home.
(Article 27)
Parties recognize the right of PWDs to work, on an equal basis with others;
this includes the right to the opportunity to gain a living by work freely
chosen or accepted in a labour market and work environment that is open,
inclusive and accessible to PWDs. States Parties shall safeguard and promote
the realization of the right to work, including for those who acquire a
disability during the course of employment, by taking appropriate steps,
including through legislation.
writer has appealed to all the service providers especially those working with
adults having intellectual disability; to ‘Switch Gear’ if ‘Providing a Right
to Work’ to persons with Intellectual Disability has to become a reality.
Following ingredients for successful vocational rehabilitation are suggested.
Ingredient for successful vocational rehabilitation
S w i t c
h G e a r
S survey
the status of rehabilitation services available for PWID. Survey the numbers of
students for whom the rehabilitation services are required also find out how
many vocational training centers or adult training centers are available for
this population.
W wider
range of vocational trades
out of the box occupations (non-traditional). Instead of including traditional
trades like- stationery making, candle making, screen printing etc. there
should be a shift to non-traditional occupation such as manufacturing process
industry, agriculture, agro based industry, food processing (pickle making, jam
making etc), printing services, sales outlets and self or group employment activities
etc. Non-traditional activities have edge over the traditional ones as the PWID
will get an opportunity in the competitive world. This will enhance their
skills and earning capacity and opportunity of employment.
Also, there is a need to simplify
various professional training courses offered by different institutions like- Polytechnics,
ITI’s etc. so that, PWID can be reasonably accommodated in these courses. The
machinery and equipments needs to be modified or adopted to enhance
accessibility for PWID.
I Industry
and commerce
linkages with industry and commerce. Explore the types of the jobs in the
industry as suitable for PWID. The scope of open employment lies in the
industry and commerce. Industry and commerce will come forward if they are able
to see the advantage of employing a PWID in such jobs where they are suitable.
Appropriate orientation program need to be designed in this regard. Allow PWID to
show case their abilities at various industries.
T Transitional Planning
transitional planning an important agenda item for discussion. While academic
achievement is always considered important but over emphasis on this at the
cost of more beneficial functional training is undesirable. The ultimate goal
of the rehabilitation is to support the people for employment success and
independent living.
Give vocational training throughout the
primary, secondary and prevocational level of schooling, so that, the child had
mastered work force readiness skills. Systematic school instruction is the
foundation of vocational training and employment. Special school curriculum
includes the prevocational/occupational aspects. Children with intellectual
disability are taught the daily living skills through the functional curriculum
from preprimary to prevocational levels. The functional curriculum equips the
children with intellectual disability with necessary work readiness skills.
NIMH has developed “NIMH Transition
Model” for the rehabilitation of PWID. However, more models for transition from
school to work should be researched and successful models be replicated.
Monitoring should be done on regular
basis. Continuous evaluation is part and parcels of any successful program to
assess the strength and limitations, so that, modifications can be made.
C Certification of vocational courses
of curriculum for vocational courses should be done. This will help the PWID to
master the required skills in the job market. These courses should be certified
by competent authority of institutions such as ITI’s, Polytechnics etc. so
that, it is easy to PWID to get jobs.
H Human
trained human resource for vocational training centres. The situation with
regard to trained human resource in vocational training is comparably low.
There are only few centres offering the course of Diploma in Vocational
Training and Employment. There is therefore acute need to promote the training
centres for the vocational instructors and the vocational units in the field,
so that, adults with intellectual disability coming out of the school system
are in a planned way imparted with vocational skills and adult social skills
for the ultimate goal of living independently (Wehman and Hill, 1985)
It has been observed that most of the
vocational training centres are running without qualified vocational
instructors which are detrimental to the development of the PWID. The studies
have revealed that on the job training and job placement is discouragingly low
which can be attributed to be absence of qualified vocational instructors at
the centre. It is therefore desirable that every vocational training and placement
centre should engage professionals specifically trained in vocational training
of PWID.
G Ground work
the society Transition planning should be done with cooperation with parents
& community members. More adult training centre and vocational training
centres must be initiated.
There is a need for involvement of
parents, social workers, vocational instructors and supervisors at the work
site, the employers and the rehabilitation therapist and work as a team.
the society
A society need to be prepare, so that,
PWID are accepted with their functional abilities as much as the other
citizens. Public education programs, Nukkad Natikas, depicting the success
stories on the capability of PWID should be developed.
Have a section for vocational training
in every special school and open up industrial training institutions for PWID.
It is often observed that the
responsibility of special school ceases after graduating the students out of
the education system as a result of which the PWID after the school spend their
lifetime with the family without any productive life. In order to induce
knowledge of work and putting the students on the work of their choice it is
necessary that every special school provide vocational training. By doing so
all the students coming out of the school system who usually dropout will
receive vocational training and placement.
Open up special employment exchanges
and they should facilitate the job placement of PWID by maintaining special
register and making special efforts.
E Effective Team work
Use team approach for quality services
in rehabilitation process. Team work plays an important role in designing the
vocational training and placement program for the PWID. It is an
interdisciplinary effort, the success of which depends on effective team work
(Rao and Sivakumar, 2003). There is a need for involvement of parents, social
workers, vocational instructors and supervisors at the work site, the employers
and the rehabilitation therapist and work as a team.
A Assessment,
planning & monitoring
Assessment planning and monitoring is the key
for successful post school transition. The assessment should address the
following areas:
and interpersonal.
and vocational.
Without comprehensive assessment of
student skills it is difficult to identify the needs that should be addressed
in the student transition plan. Also, community assessment is very important
for effective transition planning. Detailed SWOT (Strength Weakness Opportunity
and Threats) analysis for the community should be done while planning the
vocational rehabilitation for PWID. After implementation of training program
monitoring should be done on regular basis. Continuous evaluations is part and
parcel of any successful program to assess the strength and limitations, so
that, modifications can be made.
R Research
Research on identification of suitable
jobs should be taken up. Usually the job designed by the PWID were related to
paper, clothes, chemical, and food items. Book binding, envelope making, file
making, file molding, greeting cards making, screen printing, are paper
related. In the cloth section embroidery, hand block painting, stitching,
waiving and tailoring are some trades. Agarbatti making, chalk making, phenyl
making, washing power etc. are known as chemical based trades. Food items
consist of pickle making and tea making. It is advisable to shift from the traditional
occupation to non-traditional occupation, so that, PWID are recognized as
productive workers.
More avenues for competitive and
supportive employment opened up. The scope of competitive and supporting
employment is larger than the sheltered workshop employment. The PWID can
attained the quality of life to the extent possible as open employment will
enhance their self image, social fraternity at the work place the economic
independence, resulting in self sufficiency.
stated under UNCRPD Article 27 (Work and employment) persons with disabilities have right
to work, on an equal basis with others; this includes the right to the
opportunity to gain a living by work freely chosen or accepted in a labour
market and work environment that is open, inclusive and accessible to persons
with disabilities. In order to meet this goal, service providers need to think out of the box and provide what is the
need of the hour in vocational areas. We need to change gear and change our
thinking for better empowerment of adults with intellectual disability.
As highlighted
in the article there is a need for training in non-traditional localized trades
which have effective marketing and have connections with the industry, so that,
adults with intellectual disability find a place to work. For making this dream
is reality lot of ground work and research is essential so that, required human
resource can be prepared and goals towards vocational rehabilitation may be
References :
Narayan, J. (1990), Vocational Training and Employment
of Persons with Mental Retardation. National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped,
Thressea Kutty, A.T and Govinda Rao, L. (2001).
Curriculum for Vocational Education - Transition of
Persons with Mental Retardation
from School to work, National
Institute for the Mentally
Handicapped, Secunderabad.
Thressea Kutty, A.T and Govinda Rao, L.
(2001). Transition of Persons with Mental Retardation from
School to work – A Guide,
National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped, Secunderabad.
Disabled Persons in India , NSSO 58th
Round Survey Report (July – December 2012)
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